21 March 2023
The Atalanta Hospice Society Board of Directors has scheduled the organization’s 2023 annual meeting for April 4th at 7:00 p.m. in a virtual-only format.
At the meeting, David Cvet, president of the Atalanta Hospice Society, will provide a progress report on Fundy Hospice, a proposed residential-style hospice to serve the residents of Digby and Annapolis counties. Other members of the Board will provide updates on activities supporting the proposed hospice.
Members of the public interested in attending the virtual annual meeting may request an invitation by sending an email to info@fundyhospice.ca. A link to the meeting will be sent to those who request an invitation.
The Board invites anyone interested in becoming involved as a volunteer or as a member of the Board of Directors to indicate their interest when sending an email.